Pottery Painting

We have hundreds of items to choose from! Once your item has been painted you will leave it with us so that we can fire it in our kiln. Once your fired piece is ready to pick up (1 week) the item will be food-safe, weatherproof and completely usable. 
Some of the items we carry include:
Plates, platters, mugs, bowls, spoon rests, salt and pepper shakers, cookie jars, figurines, banks, seasonal items and sooo much more!

Each piece is individually priced, that price includes everything you'll need plus we don't charge any extra for firing!

We keep all items for 90 days. You will be called several times to collect your items before they are donated 


Our latest and best photos

We love to take pictures and show them to the world.

That Pottery Place


7224 Baptist Rd
Bethel Park, PA 15102, US

About us

A family owned small business helping people find their inner artist.

Pottery - Glass Fusing - Clay - Wheels - Parties 

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